Up until now, we have dealt with double integrals in the Cartesian coordinate system. This is helpful in situations where the domain can be expressed simply in terms of \(x\) and \(y\). However, many problems are not so easy to graph. If the domain has the characteristics of a circle or cardioid, then it is much easier to solve the integral using polar coordinates.
The Cartesian system focuses on navigating to a specific point based on its distance from the x, y, and sometimes z axes. In polar form, there are generally two parameters for navigating to a point: \(r\) and \( \theta \). \(r\) represents the magnitude of the vector that stretches from the origin to the desired point. In other words, \(r\) is the distance directly to that coordinate point. \( \theta \) represents the angle that the aforementioned theoretical vector would make with the x-axis. This creates a circular type of motion as we adjust the value of \( \theta \), which allows us to express a circle of radius 1 as \( r = 1 \) as opposed to \( x^2 + y^2 = 1 \) in Cartesian coordinates.
Many of the double integrals that we have encountered so far have involved circles or at least expressions with \(x^2 + y^2\). When we see these expressions a bell should ring and we should shout, "Can't we use polar coordinates." The answer is, "Yes" but only with care. Recall that when we changed variables in single variable integration such as \(u = 2x\), we needed to work out the stretching factor \(du = 2dx\). The idea is similar with two variable integration. When we change to polar coordinates, there will also be a stretching factor. This is evident \since the area of the "polar rec\tangle" is not just as one may expect. The picture is shown below. Even if \( \Delta
Theorem: Double Integration in Polar Coordinates Let \(f(x,y)\) be a continuous function defined over a region \(R\) bounded in polar coordinates by \( r_1(q) < r < r_2(q) \) and \( q_1 < q < q_2 \). Then \[ \iint_R f(x,y)\,dy\,dx =\int_^ \int_^ f(r\cos \theta,r\sin \theta)\,r\,dr\,d\theta.\nonumber \]
Notice the extra "\(r\)" in the theoremThe area of a closed and bounded region \(r\) in the polar coordinate plane is given by \[ A = \iint_
Example \(\PageIndex<1>\) Find the volume to the part of the paraboloid \[ z = 9 - x^2 - y^2 \nonumber \] that lies inside the cylinder \[ x^2 + y^2 = 4. \nonumber \] Solution The surfaces are shown below. This is definitely a case for polar coordinates. The region \(R\) is the part of the xy-plane that is inside the cylinder. In polar coordinates, the cylinder has equation \[ r^2 = 4. \nonumber \] Taking square roots and recalling that \(r\) is positive gives \[ r = 2. \nonumber \] The inside of the cylinder is thus the polar rectangle \( 0 < r < 2 \) \( 0 < q < 2\pi\). The equation of the parabola becomes \[ z = 9 - r^2. \nonumber \] We find the integral \[ \int _0^<2\pi>\int_0^2 \left(9-r^2\right) r\,dr\,d\theta.\nonumber \] This integral is a matter of routine and evaluates to \( 28\pi\).
Example \(\PageIndex<2>\) Find the volume of the part of the sphere of radius 3 that is left after drilling a cylindrical hole of radius 2 through the center. Solution The picture is shown below The region this time is the annulus (washer) between the circles \(r = 2\) and \(r = 3\) as shown below. The sphere has equation \[ x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 9 .\nonumber \] In polar coordinates this reduces to \[ r^2 + z^2 = 9. \nonumber \] Solving for \(z\) by subtracting \(r^2\) and taking a square root we get top and bottom surfaces of \[z=\sqrt \;\;\; \text \;\;\; z=-\sqrt. \nonumber \] We get the double integral \[\int_0^ <2\pi>\int_2^3 (\sqrt+ \sqrt)r\; dr d\theta. \nonumber \] This integral can be solved by letting \[u = 9 - r^2 \;\;\; \text \;\;\;du = -2r\,dr.\nonumber \] After substituting we get \[\begin &-\dfrac<2>\int_^<2\pi>\int_^ 2u^<\frac<2>> \; du d\theta \\ &= -\dfrac<2>\int_^<2\pi>[u^<\frac<2>>]_5^0 \; d\theta \\ &= \dfrac <20 \sqrt\pi>.\end \nonumber \]
Example \(\PageIndex<3>\) Change the Cartesian integral into an equivalent polar integral, then solve it. \[ \int_^>\int_^dydx \nonumber \] Solution The point at (\(\sqrt<3>\), 1) is at an angle of \(\pi/6\) from the origin. The point at (\(\sqrt<3>, \sqrt<3>\) is at an angle of \(\pi/4\) from the origin. In terms of \(r\), the domain is bounded by two equations \(r=csc\theta\) and \(r=\sqrt<3>\sec\theta\). Thus, the converted integral is \[ \int_^\sec\theta>\int_<\pi/6>^<\pi/4>rdrd\theta. \nonumber \] Now the integral can be solved just like any other integral. \[\begin &\int_<\pi/6>^ <\pi/4>\int_^\sec\theta>rdrd\theta \\ & =\int_<\pi/6>^ <\pi/4>(\dfrac<3> \sec^2\theta - \dfrac \csc^2\theta) d\theta \\ & = \left [ \dfrac<3> \tan\theta + \dfrac\cot\theta \right ] _<\dfrac<\pi>>^<\dfrac<\pi>> \\ & =2 - \sqrt<3>. \end\nonumber \]
Example \(\PageIndex<4>\) Find the area of the region cut from the first quadrant by the curve \( r = \sqrt\). Solution Note that it is not even necessary to draw the region in this case because all of the information needed is already provided. Because the region is in the first quadrant, the domain is bounded by \( \theta = 0 \) and \( \theta = \dfrac<\pi> \). The sole boundary for \(r\) is \(r = \sqrt\) so the integral is \[\begin & \int_^<\pi/2>\int_^<\sqrt> rdrd\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>\left [ \dfrac \right ] _^<\sqrt> d\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>\dfrac d\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>1 - \dfrac d\theta \\ &= \left [ \theta + \dfrac <4>\right ] _^ <\pi/2>\\ &= \dfrac<\pi> - \dfrac<4>. \end\nonumber \]
Example \(\PageIndex<5>\) Find the area of the region cut from the first quadrant by the curve \( r = \sqrt\). Solution Note that it is not even necessary to draw the region in this case because all of the information needed is already provided. Because the region is in the first quadrant, the domain is bounded by \( \theta = 0 \) and \( \theta = \dfrac<\pi> \). The sole boundary for \(r\) is \(r = \sqrt\) so the integral is \[\begin & \int_^<\pi/2>\int_^<\sqrt> rdrd\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>\left [ \dfrac \right ] _^<\sqrt> d\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>\dfrac d\theta \\ &= \int_^ <\pi/2>1 - \dfrac d\theta \\ &= \left [ \theta + \dfrac \right ] _^ <\pi/2>\\ &= \dfrac<\pi> - \dfrac. \end\nonumber \]
This page titled 3.4: Double Integrals in Polar Form is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Larry Green.