Indian Penal code

Indian Penal code

Indian Penal Code is the principal criminal code of India that defines crimes and provides punishments for almost all kinds of criminal and actionable wrongs. The IPC in its various sections defines specific crimes and provides punishment for them. It is sub-divided into 23 chapters that comprise 511 sections.

The Indian Penal Code is the main criminal code for the country. It includes all the criminal offences including crimes related to human body, property, conspiracy, crimes against the state or Public Tranquillity, etc. Anyone found guilty of a crime is punishable under the IPC.

Table of Contents

What is Indian Penal Code (IPC)?

History of the Indian Penal Code

Structure of the Indian Penal Code

The IPC in its various sections defines specific crimes and provides punishment for them. It is sub-divided into 23 chapters that comprise of 511 sections. The basic outline of the code is given in the table below:

Indian Penal Code, 1860 (Sections 1 to 511)
Chapter Sections covered Classification of offences
Chapter I Sections 1 to 5 Introduction
Chapter II Sections 6 to 52 General Explanations
Chapter III Sections 53 to 75 Of Punishments
Chapter IV Sections 76 to 106 General Exceptions of the Right of Private Defence (Sections 96 to 106)
Chapter V Sections 107 to 120 Of Abetment
Chapter VA Sections 120A to 120B Criminal Conspiracy
Chapter VI Sections 121 to 130 Of offences against the state
Chapter VII Sections 131 to 140 Of Offences relating to the Army, Navy, and Air Force
Chapter VIII Sections 141 to 160 Of Offences against the Public Tranquility
Chapter IX Sections 161 to 171 Of Offences by or relating to Public Servants
Chapter IXA Sections 171A to 171I Of Offences Relating to Elections
Chapter X Sections 172 to 190 Of Contempts of Lawful; Authority of Public Servants
Chapter XI Sections 191 to 229 Of False Evidence and Offence against Public Justice
Chapter XII Sections 230 to 263 Of Offences relating to coin and Government Stamps
Chapter XIII Sections 264 to 267 Of Offences relating to Weight and Measures
Chapter XIV Sections 268 to 294 Of offences affecting the Public Health, Safety, Convenience, Decency and Morals
Chapter XV Sections 295 to 298 Of Offences relating to religion
Chapter XVI Sections 299 to 377 Of Offences affecting the Human Body.

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Crimes against the Human Body:

These offences are provided for in Chapter XVI of the Code spanning from Section 299, which deals with culpable homicide to Section 377, which deals with unnatural offences.

The chapter deals with all kinds of offences which can be committed against the human body, from the very lowest degree i.e. simple hurt or assault to the gravest ones which include murder, kidnapping and rape.

Crimes against Property:

These crimes are defined and punished under Chapter XVII and range from Section 378 which defines theft, to Section 462 which prescribes punishment for the offence of breaking upon an entrusted property. The offences that are dealt with under this chapter include, among others, theft, extortion, robbery, dacoity, cheating and forgery.

Crimes against Public Tranquillity:

The definitions and punishment for this category of offences are provided in Chapter VIII which ranges from Section 141 to 160. This chapter lays down the acts which are considered to be criminal in nature because they disturb and destroy public tranquillity and order. This chapter includes offences like being a member of an unlawful assembly, rioting and affray.

Offences against the State:

Chapter VI, which deals with offences of this nature, and includes Sections 121 to 130 are some of the most rigorous penal provisions of the entire code. This includes the offence of waging war against the state under Section 121 and the much-debated, criticised, and abused offence of Sedition under Section 124A. The offence defined under this Section has been much maligned as it was used by the British to prosecute many freedom fighters; it has also been used post-independence to silence critics of the government and continues to date which is why many experts advocate repealing the same.

General Exceptions:

Sections 76-106 (Chapter IV) embody the general exceptions which are exceptional circumstances where the offender can escape criminal liability. A basic example in this context is the Right of Private Defence (Section 96-106). Other concepts that are elaborated upon in this chapter include Insanity, Necessity, Consent, and acts of children below a certain age.

Debated Provisions of the Indian Penal code:

The IPC has been successful by and large in its attempt to prosecute and punish individuals who commit the crimes that are defined in this Code, but like Sedition there have been certain other provisions that have invited scrutiny time and again. Some of these provisions are as follows:

Unnatural Offences-Section 377:

This Section, among other things, punished consensual sexual acts between consenting adults belonging to the same sex. With the advent of time, several voices advocated for the decriminalisation of this part which punishes homosexuality. The Supreme Court, finally in the case of Navtej Johar, obliged and decriminalised the portion of this Section which punished consensual acts of this nature.

Attempt to Commit Suicide – Section 309 of Indian Penal code:

This Section prescribed punishment of up to one year for attempting suicide. There is a longstanding recommendation of the Law Commission to decriminalise attempting suicide by dropping Section 309 from the statute books. But the amendment to this effect has not been carried, albeit, the use of the provision has minimized, by the coming into force of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017.

As per the non-obstante clause contained in Section 115(1) of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, there is the presumption of severe stress on a person who attempted suicide and such person is not to be punished under Section 309 IPC.

But the reports about the use of Section 309 IPC are not unknown and continue to be reported from almost all the parts of the country. As such, it is the need of the hour that the police authorities should be sanitized about the issue.

Adultery – Section 497 of Indian Penal code:

Review of the Indian Penal Code Post-Independence

    1. A re-examination of the sedition law, inserted in 1898, is necessary.
    2. The offence of blasphemy should have no place in a liberal democracy and, therefore, there is a need to repeal Section 295A, which was inserted in 1927.
    3. A criminal conspiracy was made a substantive offence in 1913. The offence is objectionable because it was added to the code by the colonial authorities to deal with political conspiracies.
    4. Under Section 149 on unlawful assembly, the principle of constructive liability is pushed to unduly harsh lengths.
    5. Sexual offences under the code reveal patriarchal values and outdated Victorian morality. Though the outmoded crime of adultery gives the husband sole proprietary rights over his wife’s sexuality, it gives no legal protection to secure a similar monopoly over the husband’s sexuality.

    Indian Penal Code – Significance

    Criticism of Indian Penal code

    Areas that need reforms in Indian Penal code

    Some of the concepts underlying the code are either problematic or have become obsolete.

    1. A re-examination of the sedition law, inserted in 1898, is necessary.
    2. The offence of blasphemy should have no place in a liberal democracy and, therefore, there is a need to repeal Section 295A, which was inserted in 1927.
    3. Criminal conspiracy was made a substantive offence in 1913. The offence is objectionable because it was added to the code by the colonial masters to deal with political conspiracies.
    4. Under Section 149 on unlawful assembly, the principle of constructive liability is pushed to unduly harsh lengths.
    5. The distinction between “culpable homicide” and “murder” was criticised even by Stephen as the “weakest part of the code”, as the definitions are obscure.
    6. Sexual offences under the code reveal patriarchal values and Victorian morality. Though the outmoded crime of adultery gives the husband sole proprietary rights over his wife’s sexuality, it gives no legal protection to secure similar monopoly over the husband’s sexuality.
    7. Section 377 also needs a review.

    Way forward

    The Malimath Committee (2003) has made following suggestions for a comprehensive for reforming and restructuring of IPC:


    Article written by Aseem Muhammed