Mayorkas Memorandum: Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law [pdf]
This memorandum outlines three priorities for civil immigration enforcement: threats to (1) national security, (2) public safety, and (3) border security. It also emphasizes a wholistic approach when reviewing a noncitizen’s criminal and administrative record to learn of the totality of the facts and circumstances. The memorandum concludes by highlighting the importance of preserving civil rights and liberties.
Published September 30, 2021 by Dept. of Homeland Security
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- (April 26, 2024) North Platte, Nebraska Community Safety Forum Training- Legal Protections for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence that Enhance Victim and Community Safety
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- *Amicus Briefs- Violence Against Women Act-VAWA Self-Petitions, Suspension of Deportation and Cancellation of Removal
- *Amicus Briefs-Employment and Immigrants
- *Amicus Briefs-Family Law
- *Amicus Briefs-Federal Preemption in Immigration Law
- *Amicus Briefs-Gender Based Asylum
- *Amicus Briefs-Gender Discrimination in U.S. Immigration Laws
- *Amicus Briefs-Public Benefits Access for Immigrants
- *Amicus Briefs-Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
- *Amicus Briefs-The International Marriage Broker Act
- *Amicus Briefs-Trauma, Testimony and Child Brain Development
- *Amicus Briefs-Trauma, Testimony, and Adult Victims
- *Amicus Briefs-U Visa
- *Amicus Briefs-VAWA Confidentiality
- *August 8, 2024 Webinar: Improving Access to Justice for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Human Trafficking
- *Battered Spouse Waiver (BSW) Webinar and Training Materials (November 18, 2021)
- *Bench Cards
- *Best Interest of the Child Statutes – State-by-State Maps and Comparison Charts (December 2017)
- *Best Practices for Advocacy-Initiated Response (AIR) working with Immigrant Crime Victims
- *Breaking Barriers Table of Contents
- *California’s U Visa Certification Law (Penal Code Section 679.10)
- *Child Custody and Immigration-Related Abuse: Myths and Best Practices National Webinar (December 13, 2021)
- *Coercive Control in Families, the Impact on Children and Extreme Cruelty (Presentation by Evan Stark)
- *Connecticut: U Visa Certification Law and Implementing Law Enforcement Protocol (2010)
- *Custody of Children in Mixed-Status Families: Preventing the Misunderstanding and Misuse of Immigration Status in State-Court Custody Proceedings
- *Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration Policies Released in 2021 and 2022: That Are Important for Immigrant Survivors (October 14, 2021, Last Updated May 17, 2022)
- *Department of Homeland Security’s Interactive Infographic on Protections for Immigrant Victims
- *Dynamics, Screening, Interviewing, Safety Planning, Collaboration and Best Practices (February 6, 2023)
- *Electronic Evidence
- *Empowering Survivors Table of Contents
- *Evidence Checklists
- *Evidence Checklists For Work With Immigrant Survivors (February 11, 2017)
- *Family Law
- *Family Law COP Materials Repository
- *Family Law FAQs
- *Family Law Service of Process and Jurisdiction Requirements Charts
- *Financing college for DACAmented and undocumented students
- *Gender-based Asylum 2018 policies have no effect on VAWA protections for Immigrant Domestic Violence Victims
- *Guide to Obtaining U Visa Certifications Practice Advisory (July 2017)
- *Healthcare Available to Immigrant Crime Victims Including Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- *Healthcare: Understanding the Affordable Care Act and How it Affects Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar-April 16, 2015)
- *Housing for Immigrant Survivors Training Materials
- *How to Get a Detained Person to Court for Family Court Cases Involving Children
- *How VAWA Confidentiality Impacts Discovery in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors (updated November 18, 2022)
- *ICE Attorneys VAWA Confidentiality Training
- *Immigrant Survivor’s Stories
- *Immigrant Victims of Interpersonal Violence and Protection Orders
- *Immigration and Customs Enforcement January 2018 Courthouse Enforcement Policy and VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (January 31, 2018)
- *Immigration Relief for Crime Victims
- *Inadmissibility Comparison Charts for Crime Victim Related Forms of Immigration Relief
- *Inclusive Legal Services and Language Access for Immigrant Crime Victims
- *Interactive Public Benefits Map
- *International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Resolution on Education and Awareness of U and T Visa Certifications (November 2018)
- *July 23rd, 2024 Phoenix, Arizona, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference Issues Surrounding Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Petitions
- *July 2nd, 2024 Victim Advocates Community of Practice: New T-Visa Regulations and What It Means for Victim Advocates
- *July 30, 2024 LETTAC: Amherst, MA
- *June 11th, 2024 Family Law Community of Practice – Leveraging Immigration Affidavits of Support in Divorce Action
- *June 18-21, 2024 Louisville, Kentucky NJIDV EJS – U Visa Certification Considerations for Judicial Officers
- *Know Your Rights Information, Dynamics, and Trauma-Informed Practices
- *Labor Charts: Employment Based U Visa Criminal Activity State Charts (December 31, 2021)
- *Language Access Materials for Police and Prosecutors (Updated 10/16/2019)
- *Language Access Training Materials (Updated June 18, 2019)
- *Legal Services Access Open to All Immigrant Survivors Materials (updated March 2024)
- *Legislative History
- *Legislative Proposals That Benefit Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Child Abuse (June 5, 2021)
- *Manuals
- *May 16th, 2024 Family Law Community of Practice: New T-Visa Regulations and What It Means for Family Law Cases
- *Multilingual Materials by Language
- *Multilingual Materials by Title
- *National Judicial Network (July 6, 2021): “Judicial Responses to Labor Trafficking” (Webinar)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (December 7, 2021): DC Court’s STAR Assessment Tool Training: Helping Courts Identify Child Trafficking Victims
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (February 1st, 2022): New DHS Immigration and Victim Protection Policies
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (June 1, 2021): Immigration Options for Survivors & Court’s Role
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (November 2, 2021): U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Answers Judges’ Questions on SIJS, U Visas, and T Visas
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (October 5, 2021): Online Trafficking and Recruitment Trends for Child Sex Trafficking
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Trauma-Responsive Advocacy for CSEC Youth, the Model Rules, and Better Dependency Outcomes (November 1, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Child Labor Trafficking in the U.S. – An Overview of Research, Policies, and Opportunities (May 3, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Commercial Sex Trafficking of Young Males (April 5, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: End of the Year Update – Federal Laws & Policies and Latest Data Important for Courts Hearing Cases Involving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse and Human Trafficking (December 8, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: Introduction to The National Judicial Network (March 2, 2021)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum: The Development of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Courts (February 7, 2023)
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (April 6, 2021): Trauma for Judges: Where do you see it? How do you identify it? What do you do about it?
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (May 4, 2021) Human Trafficking Victims Identification & Red Flags
- *National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session (September 14, 2021): Cultural Competence and Its Importance in Immigration and Human Trafficking Cases
- *National Judicial Network Session & Webinar Recordings
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Criminal Justice Responses to Asian Women Caught in the Cross-Hairs of Exploitation and Human Trafficking (January 11, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Immigration Options for Survivors & Court’s Role (November 4, 2021)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Readily Identifying and Effectively Responding to Stalking in Family Court: A Resource for Judicial Officers (March 7, 2023)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – Familial Trafficking: What Research Tells Us About Risk and Opportunity (June 6, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network Webinar – We Are Not Invisible: Improving Awareness of Human Trafficking Issues in Indigenous Communities (July 5, 2022)
- *National Judicial Network: Forum on Human Trafficking and Immigration in State Courts (2021 – 2024)
- *New Practices Advisory on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Applications Published (September 17, 2018)
- *New U and T Visa Application and Certification Forms (December 6, 2021)
- *NIWAP Newsletter – September 2014: First Newsletter
- *NIWAP Podcast Series Directory
- *NIWAP Trainings
- *NIWAP’s Transforming Lives Study Provides Evidence-Based Support for The Effectiveness of the VAWA and U Visa Programs and the DHS U Visa Bona Fide Policy That Provides Earlier Access Deferred Action and Work Authorization To Applicants (June 14, 2021)
- *Out of the Shadows (DHS Blue Campaign PSA)
- *Permissibility of Providing Legal Services to Noncitizen Parents and Noncitizen Guardians of Children Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
- *Podcasts
- *Police Executive Research Forum’s Summer 2017 Newsletter Article: “U Visas and the Role of Local Police in Preventing and Investigating Crimes Against Immigrants”
- *Pro Bono Institute “Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition” Training Module
- *Pro Bono Training Institute “U Visa” Training Module
- *Public Benefits
- *Public Charge and Deeming Rule Exemptions for Immigrant Survivors and Their Children Eligible: New Rule Published (September 2022)
- *Reasons why DACA can help immigrant crime victims
- *Regulations and Policies
- *Resources and Economic Relief to Support Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- *Resources for Foreign Born and Undocumented Students Seeking Scholarships to Pursue Degrees (January 6, 2022)
- *Resources for Foreign-born Student Victims
- *Sample DACA Application & Biometrics Letter
- *San Francisco Superior Court, Civil Division, U Visa Certification Protocol (October 27, 2017)
- *September 4, 2024 Manchester, New Hampshire: What Happens When We Get It Wrong? Predominant Aggressor Determination in Cases Involving Immigrant and non-English Speaking Victims
- *September 5-6, 2024 Dallas, Texas LETTAC: Investigating and Prosecuting Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Leveraging U and T Visa Programs
- *Significance of Trauma History of Minors
- *SJI-Training Manual for Courts Table of Contents
- *Speaking Justice: Providing Language Access in the Courts – Webinar & Training Materials Language Access (April 2, 2024)
- *Special Immigrant Juvenile Status — National Judicial Network Webinar – New Regulations, Policies, and Court Rulings: The Impact on State Courts Issuing Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Orders (October 4, 2022)
- *Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)Bench Book (March 31, 2018) Table of Contents
- *Spouses Battered or Subjected to Extreme Cruelty by A, E (3), H or G Visa Holders Are Eligible to Apply for Work Authorization (February 14, 2017)
- *Stalking
- *State and Federally Funded Public Benefits Charts – By State, By Benefits Program and By Immigration Status for Immigrant Crime Victims
- *State Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect
- *State STOP, VOCA, FVPSA Administrators Training Materials
- *State U and T Visa Certification Laws
- *State-By-State Immigrant Access to Health Benefits
- *Statutes
- *Support and Training Materials for STOP, VOCA and FVPSA State Grant Administrators (December 12, 2022)
- *The Center on Immigration and Child Welfare
- *The U Visa and VAWA Training Modules
- *Three Federal Agencies Issue Joint Agency Letter On Shelters and Transitional Housing (August 12, 2016)
- *Tools for Advocates Assisting Immigrant Crime Victims in Immigration Cases
- *Trafficking FAQs
- *Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Reauthorization Acts
- *Training Bulletin: Improving Crime Fighting Outcomes in Cases of Immigrant Victims: The Role of Continued Presence and U and T Visa as Tools for Law Enforcement
- *Training Materials for Victim Advocates and Attorneys (last updated November 2023)-List of Topics
- *Training Materials: Access to Public Benefits and Services for Immigrant Survivors
- *Training Materials: Education (Last Updated- February 2022)
- *Training Materials: Family Law
- *Training Materials: Immigration Relief for Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children
- *Training Materials: Language Access (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: Law Enforcement and Prosecutors (Last Updated – August 11, 2024)
- *Training Materials: Prosecutors (Last Updated – April 11, 2023)
- *Training Materials: Public Benefits (Last Updated – June 2021)
- *Training Materials: SJI (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: U and T Visa Certification (Last Updated – March 2018)
- *Training Materials: VAWA Confidentiality Protections (Last Updated – February 2018)
- *Training Tools for Prosecutors on the U Visa, VAWA and Criminal Court Discovery (June 2023)
- *Trauma-Informed Help For Immigrant Survivors (Updated March 22, 2023)
- *Two new publications regarding USCIS June 29, 2020, new filing locations
- *U and T Visa Model Policy and Toolkit (April 10, 2018)
- *U and T Visa Toolkit for Law Enforcement Agencies and Prosecutors
- *U and T Visa Training Materials
- *U and T visas
- *U Visa Certification and T Visa Declaration Toolkits (Last Updated December 29, 2021)
- *Understanding the Judicial Role in U Visa Certification
- *USCIS to Grant Parole to Wait List Approved U Visa Victims and Family Members Included In Victim’s U Visa Applications
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Discovery Cases (October 18, 2022)
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Privacy Protections
- *VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence (October 31, 2017)
- *VAWA Confidentiality Protections for Immigrant Crime Victims (Update March 8, 2021)
- *VAWA Self-Petition: Protections for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse by Abusive Spouses and Parents (Webinar – April 22, 2020, with Materials and Q & A Answers)
- *VAWA Self-Petitioners Comparison Charts & Interlineated Statutes: VAWA NACARA (Nicaraguan and Central American Relief Act), VAWA HRIFA (Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act), and VAWA CAA (Cuban Adjustment Act)(April 22, 2020)
- *Victims of Crime Act Assistance (VOCA) for Immigrant Survivors
- *Webinars
- *Winning Custody Cases for Immigrant Survivors: the Clash of Laws, Cultures, Custody and Parental Rights (2017)
- *SJI and National Judicial Network Training Materials (Last Updated June 8, 2023)
- 2018 Missouri Judicial College Trainings
- Amicus Briefs by Topic
- Apr 11, 2019: College Park, MD “Serving Victims of Special Populations”
- April 10, 2015: “Assessing Helpfulness for Immigrant Crime Victims Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP)” (Webinar)
- April 11, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “U Visa Certifications: Helpful Tools for Prosecuting Violence and Sexual Assault Cases”
- April 18, 2019: “Public Benefits and Services Legally Available to Immigrant Children and Victims – What Courts Need to Know” (Webinar)
- April 18, 2023 “Tips and Guidance for Helping Unaccompanied Immigrant Youth Access Publically Funded Benefits and Services”
- April 19, 2013: “Yes We Can!: Public Benefits for Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar)
- April 20-21, 2018: Albuquerque, NM “Judicial Training Network: First Annual Multi-State Training”
- April 22, 2015: Galloway, NJ
- April 23, 2014:Training For Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma Informed Work With Immigrant Women
- April 24, 2019: San Diego, CA “Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Crime Victims”
- April 25, 2019: Biloxi, MS “Immigration Protections for Immigrant Victims of Child Abuse, Family and Sexual Violence: Role of State Court Judges”
- April 26, 2022 WILMU Webinar Series: Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Anticipating Issues In Preparation for Court
- April 27, 2023: Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims: Enhancing Safety Planning, Access to Public Benefits and Services (MD Conference)
- April 28, 2017: “DC Superior Court Quarterly Training: Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims” (Webinar)
- April 5-6, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Judicial Training Network Multi-State Training”
- April 8, 2011: Washington, DC “Keeping the Dream Alive: Immigration Reform, Women and the DREAM Act”
- April-May 2021: Louisiana District Attorneys Association 3-Part Webinar Series
- Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence Webinar: ” Immigrant Crime Victims Legal Rights and Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims” (August 24, 2022)
- Aug. 14-16, 2018: Biloxi, MS “Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights” and “Best Practices for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors”
- Aug. 2, 2018: “Protecting Immigrant Children: U Visas, SIJS and Other Legal Options” (Webinar)
- Aug. 29-30, 2018: Denver, CO “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U Visa”
- Aug. 9-10, 2018: San Diego, CA “Working with Immigrant Refugee Survivors”
- August 13, 2020: “Immigrant Survivors in Family Law and Immigration Cases: A Webinar for Attorneys” (Webinar)
- August 16, 2013: Lanham, MD “VAWA Immigration Protections, Immigration Enforcement, and Language Access”
- August 20, 2013: Wichita, KS “Holistic Representation and Advocacy Services for Immigrant Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence”
- August 2016: Materials for 2016 IVAT Conference
- August 2018: Train the Trainer “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 2023 – NIWAP Boston Conference PowerPoint Presentations
- August 2023 – Plenary I – Investigating and Prosecuting Stalking Cases Involving Immigrant Victims
- August 2023 – Plenary II – Improving Access to Justice Through Language Access for Immigrant Victims
- August 2023 – Plenary III – Improving Safety for Communities, Officers and Immigrant Survivors: Focusing on Primary Aggressor Determinations
- August 2023 – Plenary IV – The Why and How of Relationship Building Among Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Courts, and Immigrant Victim’s Advocates
- August 2023 – Workshop 1A – Police Officers as Witnesses in Domestic Violence Prosecutions and Family Court Litigation
- August 2023 – Workshop 1B – Protecting Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Identifying the Best Immigration Options for Your Client
- August 2023 – Workshop 1C – Representing Immigrant and LEP Litigants in Custody Cases: Advanced Custody
- August 2023 – Workshop 2A – Offender-Focused Prosecutions and Criminal Investigations in Cases of Immigrant Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- August 2023 – Workshop 2B – Improving Access to the Public Benefits Safety Net and Victims of Crime Act Compensation for Immigrant Survivors
- August 2023 – Workshop 2C – Identifying, Safety Planning and Litigating Stalking in Family Law Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 3A – Collaborative Approaches and Effective Outreach Strategies for Serving Immigrant and Limited English Proficient (LEP) Victims
- August 2023 – Workshop 3B – VAWA Confidentiality’s Impact on Discovery in Family and Criminal Court Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 3C – Advanced Immigration Law Issues in Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors
- August 2023 – Workshop 4A – Interviewing Survivors: Trauma-Informed Techniques
- August 2023 – Workshop 4B – Electronic Evidence in Domestic Violence Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions and in Family Court Domestic Violence Cases
- August 2023 – Workshop 4C – U Visa Helpfulness and Certification
- August 2024 – Reno, Nevada – Enhancing Victim Safety (Two-Part Webinar Series) with the Nevada Coalition to END Domestic and Sexual Violence
- August 21, 2018: “Impact of DHS Enforcement Priorities on Courts: VAWA Confidentiality and Enforcement” (Webinar)
- August 24, 2021: “Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Public Benefits, and Protection Orders” (Webinar)
- August 25, 2020: “Addressing Issues That Arise in Family and Criminal Court Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors in the District of Columbia” (Webinar)
- August 28-29 & August 30-31, 2023 Boston, MA-Strengthening Community and Organizational Responses: Serving Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking
- August 3, 2018: Minneapolis, MN: “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access, and the U Visa”
- August 3, 2019: Virginia Beach, VA “Immigrant Victim and Witnesses: U-Visas, T-Visa, VAWA Self-Petitions — Ethics, Timing, Discovery, and Confidentiality”
- August 6-7, 2014: New Orleans, LA “Conference on Creative Solutions to Strengthen Advocacy Options and Healing for Survivors”
- August 6, 2018, Morrow, GA – “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 6, 2018: Morrow, GA “Law Enforcement and Prosecution Best Practice: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- August 7, 2019: Naples, FL “Immigration Issues in Family Court” Annual Education Program of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges
- August 8, 2014: New Orleans, LA
- Benefits Map
- Best Practices for Serving Immigrant Victims: Access to Public Benefits and Services in Virginia
- Conference Materials Hub
- Conference on Crimes Against Women (CCAW) Dallas, Texas (May 22-25, 2023)
- Dec. 13, 2023 – Annapolis, Maryland – U and T Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking: Best Practices in Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims-including Cases of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- December 1, 2010: Sioux Falls, SD
- December 1, 2014: “Educational Equity Beyond Access: Institutional Support for DACAmented and Undocumented Students” (Webinar)
- December 1, 2014: “Expert Advice for Judges: How to Handle U Visa Certification and T Visa Endorsement Requests” (Webinar)
- December 11, 2023 -Webinar: Improving Language Access for Immigrant Crime Victims in Maryland
- December 12-16, 2016: New Orleans, LA: “OVW Grantee Training: Addressing Culture: Systemic Responses to Underserved Immigrant Populations”
- December 14, 2020: Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims and the U Visa: Law Enforcement Best Practices Technical Assistance Overview- ICJR Orientation (Webinar)
- December 15, 2017: Las Vegas, Nevada “Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children: State Court’s Role “
- December 2, 2021 -NCJFCJ Legal Rights of Immigrant Child Commercial Sex Trafficking Survivors: Public Benefits, Housing, & Victim Services
- December 2021 – NCJFCJ Two Part Webinar Series: Immigrant Children Who Are Survivors of Trafficking
- December 4, 2014: Rehoboth, DE “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children”
- December 6,2021: PIRC and PCADV “Housing Rights for Immigrant Survivors” (Webinar)
- December 7, 2010: Washington, DC “Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence: What You Need to Know Today to Help Victims and Their Children: Arrest Grantee Orientation”
- December 7, 2023 – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Immigration Protections for Children: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status and Help for Trafficking Victims (Webinar)
- December 8, 2015: York, PA “Overview of Federal and State Public Benefits: Access For Immigrant Survivors and Their Children”
- Derechos legales de la mujer (9 de agosto de 2022)
- Enhancing Responses to Domestic Violence: Trauma and Its Impact on Testimony (August 11, 2023)
- February 10, 2011: “An Introduction to Law Enforcement Use of the U-Visa” (Webinar)
- February 11, 2013: SPSSI Congressional Briefing
- February 11, 2015: Miami, FL “U Visa and Crime Scene Language Access Best Practices”
- February 14, 2017: National Council of Juvenile Family Court Judges 2017 National Conference on Juvenile Justice
- February 15, 2013: “Lessons Learned from Law Enforcement: How Collaborations That Result in U Visa Certifications Support Safer Communities” (Webinar)
- February 16, 2016: Washington, DC “History of Legislative Advocacy: VAWA’s Immigration Protections & Next Horizons”
- February 18, 2015: “Battered Women’s Justice Project (BWJP) Immigrant Crime Visas: Law Enforcement’s Tool to Strengthen Community Policing” (Webinar)
- February 20, 2014: “Obtaining U Visa Certification from Judges in Protection Order, Family, Criminal, and Other State Court Proceedings” (Webinar)
- February 20, 2018: Atlanta, GA “Safety and Protection: Focus on Immigrant Crime Victims”
- February 20, 2020: “THE U VISA AS A CRIME-FIGHTING TOOL: How Certification Improves Domestic and Sexual Violence Investigations and Prosecutions” (Webinar)
- February 22, 2017: Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing (Webinar and Materials)
- February 24, 2014: “Helping Survivors in Crisis: Hands On Training for Advocates and Attorneys on Trauma-Informed Work with Immigrant Women Who Are Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault” (Webinar)
- February 24, 2017: “Enhanced Safety Planning for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
- February 26, 2018: “Law Enforcement Working with Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Rural Communities: Part I U and T Visa Certification” (Webinar)
- February 27, 2011: Media, PA “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims: U-Visa Certification Training”
- February 5, 2015: “VAWA Confidentiality: Understanding the Three Safeguards and Limited Discovery Exceptions When Advocating for Survivors in Family and Criminal State Courts” (Webinar)
- February 5, 2021: Addressing Domestic Violence: Trauma-Informed Practice in a Remote Service Context
- February 6, 2020: “In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim or Witness Speaks Limited English” (Webinar)
- February 7, 2016: National Sheriffs Association Washington, DC
- Giving Tuesday 2021
- Honolulu, Hawaii May 2024 Training Materials
- IAFN SAFE webinar
- ICJR “How NIWAP’s Training and Technical Assistance Can Support Your Work with Immigrant Crime Victim Survivors” (Dec. 07, 2022)
- Jan. 30, 2019: Orlando, FL “OVW Improving Criminal Justice Responses Grant Program Orientation”
- January 10-2022 – Representing Workers at the Intersections of Immigration and Sex Harassment
- January 12, 2018: Miami, FL “Promoting Just Outcomes When Immigration Issues Arise In State Court Proceedings”
- January 16-18, 2018: Washington, DC “Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Grant Program” and “Legal Assistance for Victims” FY2017 Grantee Orientation
- January 30, 2020: “Best Practices and Tools That Build the Capacity of Adult Protective Services to Serve Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims” (Webinar)
- January 31, 2014: “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children Training” (Webinar)
- January 31, 2018: “Support Your Work With Immigrant Survivors with NIWAP”s Technical Assistance and Project” (Webinar)
- Judiciary of Hawaii and Center for Justice Innovation Webinar: Immigration Issues in Family Court (January 12, 2024)
- July 10, 2017: Madison, WI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- July 11, 2012: St. Paul, MN “National Call to Action: Institute and Conference” for the Women of Color Network”
- July 12, 2010: Barriers to Success in U Visas For Immigrant Victims Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- July 13, 2015: “State Court Findings for Abused Youth Seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status” (Webinar)
- July 15-16, 2019: Columbia, MO “Legal Protections and Help for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Their Children: The Central Role of Advocates and Attorneys”
- July 17, 2011: Alexandria, VA “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- July 17, 2017: Washington, D.C. “Unaccompanied Minors and Immigration”
- July 17, 2023 Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota – U and T Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking: Best Practices in Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims — including Cases of Domestic and Sexual Violence
- July 18, 2011: “Law Enforcement Use of the U Visa” (Podcast)
- July 18, 2011: Washington, DC “Fighting Trafficking in Persons and Violence Against Women”
- July 18, 2017: Washington, D.C. “National Alliance to End Homelessness Conference Workshop: A Shifting Landscape: Undocumented and Documented Immigrants”
- July 19, 2021: New Mexico’s Twelfth Judicial District Attorney’s Office
- July 20, 2021: “Best Practices to Support Immigrant Victims, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System”
- July 21, 2020: “What Family and Child Welfare Judges Need to Know: Legal Options for Immigrant Adult, Teen and Child Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence” (Webinar)
- July 23, 2018: Denver, CO: “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: Latest Tips, Tools, Bench Book, and Best Practices for Judges”
- July 24, 2017 – California Rural Legal Assistance Training: “Immigrant Access to Federally Assisted Housing”
- July 28, 2021: VAWA Unit Vermont Service Center Training
- July 29, 2015: New Orleans, LA “Community of Responders: A Holistic Approach to Immigrant Survivors of Abuse”
- July 30, 2019: Orlando, FL NCJFCJ 82nd Annual Conference “State Court Cases Involving Immigrant Crime Victims and Immigrant Children: Custody, Discovery and U Visa Certification By Judges”
- July 30, 2020: “Best Practices for Screening and Serving Immigrant Victims of Crime: A Webinar for Victim Advocates” (Webinar)
- July 31, 2012: Denver, CO “Helping Immigrant Survivors: Options and Challenges in an Age of Immigration Enforcement”
- July 8, 2016: Washington, DC “Barriers to Accessing Services: Trauma Informed Approach to Serving Survivors of Domestic Abuse”
- July 8, 2020: Q& A with the Victim Rights Law Center “Best Practices for Working with Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault”
- July 9, 2019: “What Courts Want to Know, What Role Can Courts Play Regarding Detained Immigrant Children and Parents” (Webinar)
- July 9, 2020: “Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium COVID-19, Housing, Health Care, Benefits and Victims”
- June 13, 2017 “Immigration: Creating a Culture of Social Equity for Immigrant Women and Children”
- June 14, 2013: DHS Blue Campaign Trafficking PSA “Crash”
- June 15, 2018: Wilmington, DE “2018 DSBA Bench and Bar Conference Workshop: Best Practices In State Court Cases: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status”
- June 17, 2021: “The U and T Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System” (Webinar)
- June 20, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Legal Rights to Immigration, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections”
- June 20, 2019: “Part 3: Legal Protections When Child Victims Are Immigrants: The Judge’s Role” (Webinar)
- June 2022 Recordings – Two Part Series April 13, 2022 Webinar: Understanding Helpfulness for U Visa Certification and the Ongoing Assistance Requirement
- June 22, 2012: Richmond, VA “Protection Order Conference”
- June 22, 2017 “Enhancing Safety for Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief, Custody, Public Benefits and Family Law Protections” Providence RI
- June 24, 2019: St. Paul, MN “Law Enforcement & Prosecution Best Practices: Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- June 25, 2016: Minneapolis, MN “Nuts and Bolts of U Visa for Undocumented Victims of Crime: A Case Study”
- June 26, 2013: Providence, RI “Serving Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault: Best Practices”
- June 27, 2018: “VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Rural Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence with Praxis” (Webinar)
- June 28, 2011: Las Vegas, NV
- June 28, 2012: Worcester, MA “Advocacy for Immigrant Survivors in an Age of Immigration Enforcement” and “New Department of Homeland Security Policies and Immigrant Victims: From Secure Communities to the DHS Role in Victim Protection”
- June 3, 2011: Spokane, Washington “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- June 5, 2018: Sandestin, FL “What State Courts Need to Know About Immigration and Why: Human Trafficking and Family Violence”
- June 5, 2019: Portland, Oregon “Access to Justice for All Victims: Language Access and Meaningful Collaborations”
- June 6-7, 2018: Albuquerque, NM “New Mexico Judicial Conclave” Workshops on SIJS, U visas and Issues that Arise in Family Court Cases Involving Immigrant Children and Crime Victims
- June 9-10, 2011: Atlanta, GA “Training for Immigration Lawyers: The Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence” and “The Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Family Violence: What You Need to Know Today to Help Victims and Their Children”
- Know Your Rights Seminar for Afghan Women in the U.S. (March 29, 2022) and Question and Answer with Experts Session (May 6, 2022)
- Lake County, IL: “What’s Immigration Got To Do With It? Prosecuting Cases Involving Immigrant Victims of Crime” (June 8, 2022)
- LAV Grantee Orientation “Legal Options for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence: How NIWAP’s and ASISTA’s Technical Assistance Can Support Your Work LAV Grantee Orientation” (Dec. 08, 2022)
- Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Roundtables
- Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Roundtables Materials Repository
- Lebanon, NH – Law Enforcement Best Practices: Responding to, Investigating and Prosecuting Cases of Noncitizen Victims of Domestic and Sexual – September 27, 2022
- March – August 2022 Serving Immigrant Survivors Best Practices Webinar and Office Hours Series
- March 11, 2011: Laguna Beach, CA “Immigration Law Protections for Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women Act: The Intersection with Family Courts and Child Custody”
- March 15, 2011: San Antonio, TX “Building Law Enforcement Capacity to Serve Immigrant Victims”
- March 15, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Building a Safety Net for Immigrant Victims: Eligibility for Public Benefits, Housing, Confidentiality and More”
- March 15, 2019: “Judicial Training Network” Orlando, FL
- March 17, 2016: Albuquerque, NM “Keynote:Best Practices and Collaborations That Promote Safety for Immigrant Crime Victims” and “Workshop: Immigrant Survivors Legal Rights, Options and Opportunities Under Family Law and Public Benefits Laws”
- March 17, 2017: Honolulu, HI “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visa”
- March 18-19, 2019: Las Vegas, NV ”National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Annual Conference” (SJI and Judicial Training Network)
- March 19, 2014: “Trauma-Informed Care, Part 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Story Writing Intervention” (Webinar)
- March 19, 2018: San Diego, CA “National Conference of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Juvenile Justice Conference”
- March 2, 2018: Boston, MA “Legal Protections against Deportation and Removal of Immigrant Crime Victims”
- March 20, 2018: “Law Enforcement Working with Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Rural Communities: Part II Improving Language Access” (Webinar)
- March 23, 2021: “Expanding the Toolbox for Children in Immigrant Families: Tips and Tools for Child Welfare and Children’s Courts” (Webinar)
- March 23, 2021: “In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim or Witness Speaks Limited English” (Webinar)
- March 25, 2015: Sykesville, MD “The Use of the T Visa and U Visa to Improve Law Enforcement’s Work with Immigrant Victims. Training for law enforcement, prosecutors, and other U visa certifiers”
- March 26-27, 2018: Portland, OR “Best Practices: Immigrant Crime Victims, Language Access, and the U & T Visa
- March 26, 2011: Crystal City, VA “Health Care Reform: What Women Got, What Women Want and What Women Need”
- March 28, 2011: Washington, DC “Effect of Anti-Immigrant Legislation and Times on Immigrant Women and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women”
- March 29,2017: Maryland State Bar Association Conference Family Law University Seminar
- March 30-31, 2016: Akron & Youngstown, OH “Expanding Legal Representation of Immigrant Survivors in Immigration and Family Law”
- March 7, 2017: Albuquerque, NM “Advocacy in Action 2017: Promoting Immigrant Victim and Detective Safety Through Best Practices: Language Access and Crime Victims Visas”
- March 9, 2018: “An Overview of U.S. Immigration Law” Judicial Training Network (Webinar)
- March/April 2022 Webinar Series Part I: Best Practices to Support Immigrant Victims and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System (March 31, 2022) & Part II: Legal Rights of Immigrant Survivors: Immigration Relief and Public Benefits (April 28, 2022) Middlesex County, NJ
- Maryland Judicial College: Immigration Today: SIJS, VAWA, T Visas and U Visas 
- Maryland Judicial College: When Federal Immigration Law and State Family Laws Intersect: The Impact of Immigration Laws on State Family Court Proceedings (August 16, 2022)
- May 11-12, 2017: “2017 Crime Victim Law Conference Plenary” Seattle Washington
- May 11, 2018: Chicago, IL “3rd Annual Modern-Day American Worker Conference Panel: Gender, Work, and Immigration Status: Immigration Relief for Labor-Based Crimes and Human Trafficking”
- May 11, 2018: Gender, Work, and Immigration Status: Immigration Relief for Labor-Based Crimes and Human Trafficking
- May 12, 2017: California Immigration Legal Assistance Project (CILAP) Training
- May 14, 2018: New Orleans, LA “Voices from the Margins: Immigrant Advocacy” WOCN State STOP Administrators and Coalitions Conference
- May 14, 2019: “Part 2: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status – Best Practices of Drafting Findings” (Webinar)
- May 2021 Conference on Crimes Against Women “Legal Rights of Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors: Victim Services, Public Benefits, and Housing”
- May 2021 Conference on Crimes Against Women “The U Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System”
- May 26, 2015: Washington, DC “Helping Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Options and Challenges in Seeking Relief”
- May 6, 2016: “Advocates’ Introduction to Gender-Based Asylum for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault” (Webinar)
- May 6, 2021: “Achieving Equal Justice for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence in Family Courts” (Webinar)
- May 7, 2020: “Auto-Petición VAWA: Protección para inmigrantes sobrevivientes de maltrato por parte de sus familiares que son ciudadanos o residentes permanentes” (Seminario Web)
- National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) National Multidisciplinary Conference on Domestic Violence: Breaking the Cycle of Violence (October 24-28, 2022)
- National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project Conference
- National Judicial Network & HHS’ Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) 2023 Sessions
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – HHS’ Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) Answers Questions on Identifying and Reporting Child Trafficking Victims (May 2, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – Let’s Put Science First: Assessing Predatory Helpfulness and Coercive Control to More Accurately Understand Domestic Abuse and Sex Trafficking (April 4, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum – What Judges Need to Know: Adoption of Foreign-Born Children (June 6, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (November 7, 2023): Encountering Immigrant Child Trafficking Victims in Court: The Court’s Role & Tips, Tools, and Steps Courts Can Take
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum (September 12, 2023): Using Public Benefits Map & Charts to Improve State Court Orders in Crime Victim Cases
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – Ensuring Judicial Safety: Strategies to Protect Judges and Court Staff (February 6, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – What Any Court Can Do: Your Role When You Encounter Victims of Human Trafficking (May 7, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – What Judges Need to Know About the New T-Visa Regulations (June 11, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Session – You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: Surprising Information Every Family Court Judge Needs to Know About Immigration Law (March 5, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Getting it Right: Adoptions and Immigration Relief for Foreign-Born Children (January 23, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Protecting Against Vicarious Trauma: Tools and Strategies for Providers Working with Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Trafficking (January 31, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Trafficking of Native Youth, Children, and Adults: Promising Practices and Response Strategies (July 16, 2024)
- National Judicial Network Webinar – Effective Protection Orders for Immigrant Survivors (August 17, 2023)
- National Judicial Network Webinar (December 8, 2023) – Let’s Put Science First: Assessing Predatory Helpfulness and Coercive Control to More Accurately Understand Domestic Abuse and Sex Trafficking
- National Judicial Network Webinar (October 10, 2023) – Identifying Human Trafficking in Domestic Violence Relationships: How OTIP Letters and Certifications Can Enhance Access to Public Benefits and Services for Survivors of Trafficking and Their Children
- National Judicial Network: Immigrant Victims of Human Trafficking, Identification, Immigration Relief, and the Court’s Role – Presentation at the NCJFCJ Juvenile Justice Conference Pittsburgh (March 14, 2022)
- Naturalization of VAWA, SIJS, U and T Visa Recipient Survivors: TTA from USCIS and NIWAP (September 23, 2022)
- NCJFCJ Annual Conference Workshop: Afghan Refugees Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Violence: What Courts Need to Know and Judicial Leadership Opportunities (July 19, 2022) National Judicial Network Peer-to-Peer Forum Afghan Refugees – What Courts Need to Know and the Role Judges Can Play (March 1st, 2022)
- NCJFCJ Conference on Juvenile Justice (Cleveland, OH) – Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Cases: Policy Updates and Considerations for Juvenile and Family Court Judges presented with USCIS (March 18, 2024)
- New Mexico DV Commissioner/Hearing Officer Seminar: Special Issues in Family/Children’s Court for Immigrant Domestic & Sexual Violence Victims (November 4, 2022)
- NIWAP Brochure
- NIWAP Staff, Faculty, Collaborative Partners, and Board
- Nov. 22, 2019: Language Access Requirements and Effective Strategies to Remove Barriers for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Survivors (Webinar)
- Nov. 30, 2018: U Visa Certifications and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: The Judge’s Role (Webinar)
- November 10, 2021: “Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Immigration Relief and Public Benefits and Services in West Virginia” (Webinar) AND December 8, 2021: “Immigrant Survivors and Their Children: Assisting Survivors With Immigration Case Filings and Addressing Issues That Arise in Family Court Cases” (Webinar)
- November 14-15, 2012: OVW Grantee Training Atlanta, GA
- November 15, 2013: “Researcher/Practitioner Collaboration: Strategies for Successful Implementation” (Webinar)
- November 15, 2018: “Custody for Abused Immigrants: Tips, Tools and Best Practices” (Webinar)
- November 19, 2019: New Orleans, LA “Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims and the U Visa: Law Enforcement Best Practices Technical Assistance Overview
- November 19, 2020: Refugees and Migrants: International Virtual Summit Domestic/Family Violence in the COVID-19 Era”
- November 2, 2017: Protection Of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children Trainings for Judges and for Police, Prosecutors and Court Advocates – Peoria, IL (11/2/17)
- November 20, 2014: Salt Lake City, UT “State Courts and the Protection of Immigrant Crime Victims and Children”
- November 21, 2019: In Accordance with the Law: When Your Victim Witness Speaks Limited English (Webinar)
- November 21, 2019: Washington State “U Visa Certification By Judges: Legislative/Regulatory History and Judicial Ethics” (Webinar)
- November 23, 2015: “ABC’s of Language Access Advocacy” (Webinar)
- November 29-20, 2013: Jacksonville, FL “Responding to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: Promising Practices and Collaborations for Police and Prosecutors”
- November 3, 2014: “And Legal Services for All: New 2014 Legal Services Corporation Regulations Implementing VAWA 2005’s” (Webinar)
- November 3, 2017: Rockford, IL “What do State Courts Need to Know about Immigration and Why: Human Trafficking and Family Violence”
- November 5, 2012: “Improving Outcomes for Immigrant Survivors Involved in Custody Disputes by Beginning the Process of Applying for VAWA and U-Visa” (Webinar)
- November 5, 2014: Intersection of Immigration Law in State Court Proceedings (Webinar)
- November 6,2019: Washington, D.C. Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance Panel “25th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act”
- November 8, 2017: “Legal Protections and Forensic Considerations for Immigrant and Refugee Child Victims” (Webinar)
- November 8, 2023 Annapolis, Maryland “Strengthening Community and Organizational Responses: Obtaining U and T Visa Certification for Immigrant Victims of Crime and Trafficking”
- November 9, 2020: “Helping Victims of Human Trafficking Courts Encounter in Juvenile Dependency, Child Welfare and Other Family Court Proceedings” (Webinar)
- November and December 2020: Wilmington University Human Trafficking Awareness Webinars and February 2021 Human Trafficking Summit
- Oct. 12, 2018: Washington, DC “Immigration – Domestic Violence Effects on Victims and Perpetrators” D.C. Superior Court
- Oct. 20, 2018: Arlington, VA “U Visa and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Impact on Civil Cases”
- Oct. 23, 2018: “Trauma-Informed Webinar Series: Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy” (Webinar)
- Oct. 26, 2018: Jackson MS “Mississippi Trial and Appellate Judges Conference (Judicial Training Network)”
- Oct. 28, 2015: DuPage County, IL “Best Practices That Promote Safety and Holistic Assistance for Immigrant and Refugee Survivors”
- October 1-4, 2012: “Building Legal Protections for Immigrant Survivors: Past, Present and Future” (Webinar)
- October 11, 2010: Los Angeles, CA “Freedom from Fear: Helping Undocumented Victims of Domestic Violence”
- October 13, 2010: Los Angeles, CA “Violence Against Women Act: Current Protections and Future Possibilities for Immigrant Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence”
- October 14, 2010: Long Beach, CA “Policies and Practices that Enhance the Legal Rights of Immigrant Domestic Violence Victims”
- October 14, 2022 Webinar: What Judges, Attorneys, and Prosecutors Need to Know About How VAWA Confidentiality Impacts Discovery In Cases Involving Immigrant Survivors
- October 2-3, 2019: Kansas City & Columbia, MO “Multi-Disciplinary Best Practices: Immigrant Domestic & Sexual Violence Victims, Language Access and the U and T Visas”
- October 20, 2020: “The U Visa As A Crime-Fighting Tool: How Certification Improves Domestic and Sexual Violence Investigations and Prosecutions” (Webinar)
- October 2018 – Webinar Series hosted by Casa de Esperanza: Topics include Immigrant Domestic and Sexual Assault Survivors
- October 27, 2023 Fort Myers-Sanibel, Florida “Special Immigration Issues in Family Court”
- October 28, 2010: Indianapolis, IN “Culture and Compassion Conference”
- October 29, 2020: “Enhancing Safety Planning and Immigrant Survivors’ Access to Public Benefits and Services in Prince George’s County Through A Trauma-Informed Approach” (Webinar)
- October 3, 2014: “Shining the Light on Gender-Based Violence at Home and Abroad: Government Responses to Combatting Gender Based Violence in the United States” (Webinar)
- October 30, 2013: “Trauma-Informed Care: Promoting Healing While Strengthening Survivors’ Immigration Cases” (Webinar)
- October 30, 2019: “Case Law on VAWA Confidentiality and Disclosure”
- October 31, 2017: “VAWA Confidentiality and Protections for Immigrant Victims of Domestic Violence” (Webinar)
- October 4, 2018: Plymouth, MI “VAWA Confidentiality & the Courts” and “Economic Relief & Public Benefits Under VAWA” at the Family Division Summit
- October 5, 2011: “Law Enforcement and Advocates Partnering to Better Serve Immigrant Crime Victims” (Webinar)
- October 5, 2020: “Challenges with Immigration Issues for Victims of Domestic Violence” (Webinar)
- October 7, 2016 – 2016 Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance Conference Materials
- October 8, 2021 – The U Visa: A Tool to Support Victims, Communities, and Increase Participation in the Criminal Justice System (NCVC Training)
- October 9, 2020: Missouri “MCADSV Immigrant and Refugee Services Roundtable” (IRSR)
- Peer-to-Peer Opportunities: Communities of Practices and Roundtable
- *Family Law Community of Practice