A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID.


A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID.

Get your REAL ID before May 7, 2025

As of May 7, 2025, the U.S. federal government will require anyone who boards an airplane for domestic travel or who enters certain federal buildings to show one of these forms of ID:

A REAL ID is verified by a gold star in the top right corner of your license or ID card. Non-verified IDs don’t have a gold star.


Note: Per the REAL ID Modernization Act and DMV policy, individuals are no longer required to provide documentation of their Social Security Number when applying for a REAL ID. However, a Social Security card can still be used as part of identity verification—details below.

Get a REAL ID by appointment

Get your initial REAL ID with an in-person appointment. You must visit a DMV site in-person to get a REAL ID.

Apply for your REAL ID

Follow these steps to get a REAL ID:

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for a verified license or REAL ID card. Customers with a drive-only license aren’t eligible for a REAL ID license.

Step 2: Gather what you need

Visit the REAL ID required documents checklist: English version (PDF) | Spanish version (PDF) REAL ID Document Checklist

In most cases, you need:

Step 3: Get your REAL ID

Schedule an appointment at any DMV office or partner office, like DMV Express. Visit locations and office hours to view DMV locations. View locations.

If you aren’t due for a license renewal and would like a REAL ID, you can request your driver’s license or ID for a $30 duplicate fee.
Your REAL ID arrives in the mail within 20 business days. For more on this, please visit Central Issuance.

Related Resources

Get your REAL ID

Frequently asked questions about the REAL ID program

Frequently asked questions about the REAL ID program

What is the REAL ID program?

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles renews driver’s licenses and DMV-issued ID cards based on federal REAL ID laws. This program stems from national security measures and federal identification standards set in place after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.

The REAL ID program also offers additional protection to residents against identity theft. The same identity verification for federal and state standards requirements for new license and ID card applicants have been offered by the DMV since October 2011.This identity verification is a one-time review of original identity documents.

Does verification cost extra?

No. A driver’s license or ID card renewal is the same cost if your identity is verified or not.

These are the fees for licenses:

If you don’t need to renew a license and want to obtain a new verified license or REAL ID card, you’ll be charged a one-time $30 fee.

To get a gold star on your license or ID when you renew, you need to get it according to these REAL ID verification requirements.