Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund Direct-Growth

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Investment type Monthly SIP Lumpsum Monthly investment Investment period

Disclaimer: Products compared like fixed deposits may provide fixed guaranteed returns. Mutual Funds investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. .

Lumpsum investment Investment period

Disclaimer: Products compared like fixed deposits may provide fixed guaranteed returns. Mutual Funds investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. .

Disclaimer: Products compared like fixed deposits may provide fixed guaranteed returns. Mutual Funds investments are subject to market risk, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns. .

Trailing returns as on Sep 16, 2024

PeriodThis fundCategory average
1 month 4.02% 4.29%
3 months 7.03% 8.13%
6 months 28.3% 26.97%
1 year 42.04% 44.08%
3 years 17.81% 21.07%
5 years 25.85% 25.63%
10 years 19.7% 17.54%
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Asset allocation as on Aug 31, 2024

Equity 97.97% Debt 0% Other 2.03% Top holdings Top sectors

Capital Goods 13%

Credit quality

Bifurcation by Credit Quality is not available for this fund

Top Debt Holdings

Bifurcation by Holding is not available for this fund

Allocation by Instruments Other Holdings Detailed portfolio analysis

Peer comparison

Overview Returns Risk ratios
Fund nameETM RankAUM (in Crs.)Fund ageExpense ratio
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund #16₹25,039 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.54%
SBI Large & Midcap Fund#1₹28,172 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.72%
ICICI Prudential Large & Mid Cap Fund#2₹16,587 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.82%
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund#3₹3,707 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.61%
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund#4₹25,293 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.47%
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap Fund#5₹3,655 Crs11 yrs 8 m0.45%
Fund name1M6M1Y3Y5Y10Y
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund 4.02%28.3%42.04%17.81%25.85%19.7%
SBI Large & Midcap Fund4.93%23.39%35.23%21.46%25.26%17.44%
ICICI Prudential Large & Mid Cap Fund5.68%25.14%46.22%25.85%27.62%17.08%
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund1.36%20.42%54.07%28.36%31.53%21.6%
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund3.84%25.68%42.35%22.0%26.29%18.67%
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap Fund4.7%27.75%43.52%21.1%26.35%17.7%
Fund nameStd. deviationBetaSharpeSortino
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund 12.480.931.011.98
SBI Large & Midcap Fund12.230.901.241.91
ICICI Prudential Large & Mid Cap Fund12.390.881.582.65
Quant Large and Mid Cap Fund15.321.031.452.64
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund12.060.891.322.25
Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap Fund13.080.971.172.11

Key risk & return ratios Compared to other funds in the category

Alpha 1.56 vs. 7.45 Underperformed at beating benchmark
Sharpe 1.01 vs. 8.25 Poor risk-adjusted returns
Beta 0.93 vs. 1.29 Less sensitive to market ups & downs
Standard deviation 12.48 vs. 11.39 More volatile performance
What do these terms mean?

Alpha in mutual funds measures excess return relative to a benchmark, indicating a manager's skill at generating returns beyond market performance.

Sharpe Ratio evaluates a fund's return relative to its risk. Higher values signify better risk-adjusted performance.

Beta in mutual funds indicates a fund's sensitivity to market changes. A beta over 1 means it's more volatile than the market, while below 1 implies less volatility.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation measures the volatility of a fund's returns. The higher the value, the riskier the investment.

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About this fund

About Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund

Fund AUM₹25,039 Crs as on Jun 30, 2024
Scheme documentView Scheme Document

Fund managers

Shridatta Bhandwaldar

Mr. Bhandwaldar is a BE (Mechanical) and MMS (Finance). Prior to joining Canara Robeco Mutual Fund he was associated with SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Ltd. (Jul 2012-Jun 2016) as Head-Research, Heritage India Advisory Pvt. Ltd. (Oct 2009-Jun 2012) as Senior Equity Analyst, Motilal Oswal Securities (Jan 2008-Sep 2009) and MF Global Securities (Apr 2006-Dec 2008).

Amit Nadekar

Mr. Nadekar has done M.Com, CA and MMS(Finance). Prior to joining Canara Robeco Mutual Fund, he has worked with LIC Mutual Fund, Alchemy Capital Management Pvt. Ltd., Raymond Limited, Apar Research and First Global Securities.

Investment objective

The scheme seeks to generate capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of large and mid-cap stocks.

Canara Robeco Mutual Fund details

No. of schemes25 view all schemes
Total AUM₹94,685 Crs as on Jun 30, 2024
Address4th Floor - Construction House, 5 - Walchand Hirachand Marg, Mumbai, 400001
Phone022-22621371/ 66585000 / 665850010

More funds from Canara Robeco Mutual Fund

Fund nameETM RankAUM (in Crs.)1Y5Y
Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund#2₹12,248 Crs43.86%37.94%
Canara Robeco Infrastructure Fund#8₹887 Crs65.73%33.02%
Canara Robeco Consumer Trends Fund#5₹1,760 Crs44.85%26.85%
Canara Robeco ELSS Tax Saver#13₹9,049 Crs37.68%25.43%
Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Fund#9₹13,510 Crs35.93%23.33%

Frequently asked questions

How fund report card works

Identifying a top performing fund that consistently creates wealth can be a challenging task due to the dynamic nature of the market. Top funds often change frequently, sometimes even on a daily basis.

However, with ET Money's fund report card, it is now possible to find a fund that consistently ranks at the top and generates wealth over a long period of time. This valuable resource makes it easier to navigate the complex and constantly changing world of financial markets.

At ET Money, we have developed a smart ranking system for funds based on their consistency. We believe that consistently performing at the top of a category is more important than just occasionally ranking highly. To evaluate the consistency of a fund, we have identified two key parameters: "consistency of returns" and "protection from volatility." We assess these parameters by analyzing the strong performance and low volatility of a fund over a prolonged period of time. To arrive at a rating for these parameters, we carefully consider the track record of a fund in terms of both performance and volatility.

In our ranking methodology, we prioritize funds that consistently perform well over those that fluctuate in their performance. To ensure stability in our rankings, we analyzed data for a minimum of five years, rather than just a year or two. We also placed a greater emphasis on recent performance, as it tends to have a greater impact on momentum. This allows us to capture the full potential of recent momentum in our rankings.

How are the returns of Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund ?

The Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund is a 11 yrs 8 m old fund and has delivered average annual returns of 22.35% since inception.

Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Fund Returns

1-Year3-Year5-Year10-YearSince Inception